Whenever you start a new blog of a website for the purpose of promoting your brand or business, your priority is getting people to discover it quickly, and one of the fastest possible means through which you hope your blog or site will find is through the Google search.
In most cases, you need to be patient enough to allow Googlebot, to crawl through your web pages, and then add your newest contents to the Google index. The question you may want to ask yourself is; how do I speed up new website Google indexing? Here are some basic things you need to know about how websites are crawled and indexed by Google.
How to Get Google to Index My Site - What Exactly are Googlebot, Google Crawling, and Google Indexing?
Knowing exactly what the Googlebot is, as well as the main differences between crawling and indexing, are important when learning about new website Google indexing.
- Simply put, Googlebot is Google’s main search bot software that is sent out primarily to extract information on the internet, and the information obtained are added to the Google’s searchable index.
- Crawling is a step in new website Google indexing, whereby the Googlebot will move from one website to the other and searching for new and updated information that are sent back to Google. The Google bots will simply make use of links as the main crawling platform during this process.
- The new website Google indexing is simply the processing of all the information that has been sent from a website to Google through its numerous crawling procedures. Once all the documents or pages on a website have been processed, they are added straightly to the searchable index of Google, and that is if those contents are of good quality. While indexing, Googlebot will simply consider all the words on your web page, alongside their location. Components such as title tags, alongside ALT attributes will also be analyzed while the process of indexing is going on.
The question that may come to mind about the whole things is how exactly does the Googlebot detect new websites, blogs, and pages. The Googlebot simply starts by simply capturing the web pages that were discovered during the previous crawling and then incorporate a map data of the site, as provided through the webmasters. As the Googlebot continues to browse through pages, and when it browses once again the pages that have already been crawled, it will detect links on them. You can make use of the webmaster tools resources if you want to earn more about this.
Based on this explanation, Googlebot simply discovers new web content by crawling through the sitemaps as well as the links. It is important to note that discovering sitemaps and links on your webpages are key steps you must take if you are looking for how to speed up Google indexing.
Getting Your New Website Discovered Faster for Google Indexing
One of the greatest parts of getting your website discovered quicker for Google indexing is that you will get a substantial referral traffic immediately, to your website.
- Design a website map – simply put, your site map is the XML document on your site’s server, and this document simply lists each of the pages on your website. This document will simply tell the search engines, when new web pages have been added to your website, and will notify them to check back if new changes have been added to such web pages. These changes may include new products or contents. If your website is based on WordPress platform, you may want to install Google’s XML Sitemaps Plugin and ensure that it creates and update. You need to make use of this plugin if you want the search engine to return to your web pages on a daily basis to check for new contents. Installing XML sitemap plugins on a website that is based on WordPress can help you create an automatic update of your website sitemap and also submit such updates to search engines. Alternatively, you may want to use effective tools such as XML Sitemaps Generator to perform this task.
- Submit your Sitemap unto Google Webmaster Tools - One of the first places where your Sitemap should be submitted, is the Webmaster Tools operated by Google, and if you don’t have any already, you can simply create a free and new Google account before signing up for a new Webmaster tools. Once completed, you can now add your website to the new Webmaster tools. You can simply click on “Optimization” before clicking on “Sitemaps”, and then you can now add the link to the sitemap of your website. The Webmaster tools will notify Google immediately, and Google will detect that pages that are already existing. If you are looking for how to speed up Google indexing, you may want to create an extra account for other search engines such as Bing.
- Add Google Analytics - Your next step is to add Google Analytics to your website, and the purpose of doing this is to ensure that you track your website. However, this feature can indicate to Google that a new website has just been released.
- Submit the URLs of your website to all search engines - Many people may advise you to skip this step because several other ways exist to get search engine crawlers on your website, but the truth is that taking this step has its advantages and it only takes few minutes to complete. You simply need to send your website URL to Google by simply going to the Webmaster tools and then tap on submit URL option. You may also try and use an anonymous tool to submit your website URL, if you want the URL to be submitted to other search engines, including Yahoo and Bing.
- Start new social profiles or update the existing ones - Keep in mind that Search engine crawlers will access your website based on the links available. Please take note of the fact that the creation of social media profiles is one of the quickest means by which you can generate new links especially for the website you have just created. Alternatively, you can simply add links to your new website via existing social media profiles. Top social profiles you should consider for this include; Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. You may also add profiles from your company pages, Pinterest pages, as well as YouTube channels. There is no limit to the number of social media pages you can use especially before you submit the site to index.
- Share your website’s new links - once your new website links have been added to new or pre-existing social media profiles, make sure they have hared once again on the status column or page of your social media network profiles. Though such links may not be followed directly by your followers, they can, however, notify search engines, especially those that track social media updates. If you use the Pinterest social network, for instance, you can simply pin an image from your website alongside the website URL, and you may also want to create a small video introducing your website on YouTube.
- Bookmark your website - You can make use of excellent quality bookmarking sites such as StumbleUpon and Delicious, to bookmark your website.
- Create some offline contents - to set up an effective link building, you need to get several links to your website from external sources. This means you need to create offline contents through processes such as guest posting at blogs that are related to your niche. You need to submit articles to quality article directories and make sure you send press releases to websites that offer effective SEO Optimization services. You need to keep in mind that offline contents must be of good quality and they must contain your embedded links from top quality websites. Making use of links from spammy websites will simply give Google and other search engines the impression that your website is spam.
Getting Your New Blog or Website Discovered
Your job does not finish when you submit the site to index; you need to perform the following steps if you want your blog to be easily discovered:
- Make use of Feed burner to set up your RSS - Google makes use of Feedburner as its RSS management. All you have to do is to submit your Feed through the Feedburner by simply copy the URLs of your website or blog, or the URL of your RSS feed into the field tagged “Burn a feed” This will simply notify search engines, along with your sitemap, that new post has been made to update your blog.
- Submit your blog to credible directories – There are several article directories you can submit your blog to, just make sure they are credible enough. You can also submit your blog’s RSS feed in addition to your content. Some of the best article directories you may want to consider include; Technorati, and Alltop.
Can you offer any additional advice that we didn’t cover in this article? Leave comments below!
Also, you could check DA, PA rank for your website! DA and PA are important site metrics to use.