As soon as PageRank died, SEO experts and site owners faced the problem with websites’ evaluation. Actually, PR continues to exist and operate as always, but it is no longer displayed. The question number one was “How to find relevant websites with needed Google rankings for link building?” Well, the solution was found!
Instead of already dead PR, we offer our own evaluating system – SB Rank that was named after ScanBackLinks –
free backlink checker tool and SEO software.
We developed SB Rank when PR existed so that we could compare these two evaluating systems. We found that in
90% of cases SB Rank matches with PageRank, so it can be considered as a full replacement for Google PR.
Moreover, it is impossible to cheat SB Rank as it was possible with PageRank.
What are SB Rank benefits?
How SB Rank is calculated?
SB Rank is calculated on the basis of two indexes – Page Authority and Domain Authority. Here’s the formula:
Why do we divide DA by 5?
There are sites that have a significantly high DA index. This index can distort the real value of the page. For instance, BlogSpot domain has DA100, however, the page may be almost empty and has no real value. In order to calculate appropriate SB Rank of the page, we take only 20% of the site DA index, which is why we divide it by 5.
You have found in our inventory the page with PA50 and DA80. 50+80/5 = 66. We divide it by 10 (in order to
get a number from 0 to 10) and get 6,6. The resulting number we round to 7. This number will be the SB Rank
of the page. If we, for instance, got 6,4 or less, we would round it to 6. If we got the number starting
from 6,5, we would round it to 7.
In the future, we also plan to complicate the formula of SB Rank, adding more indicators, such as Majestic
Flow, so our customers can select the most relevant pages for backlinks more easily.
Selecting pages by SB Rank, you:
Share your opinion with us! How, in your view, should be improved SB Rank? Should we add Trust Flow in SB Rank formula? What about Alexa Rank and SimilarWeb? Or maybe we should take into account the position of the page in Google?
We will appreciate your feedbacks, just contact us!